Friday, September 18, 2015

TEAM HAITI: the last day

From Edie Dille:

In my scripture reading this morning, this verse seems so perfect for our Christian friends in Haiti: "I know your afflictions and your poverty - yet you are rich." Rev. 2:9.

Bertran, one of our interpreters last year but he now works at the Children's Hope clinic, shares the gospel to everyone he encounters in the clinic. He is inspirational in his love for Jesus.

If we didn't have Meri, Fabian, JP, and Blaise, our work here this week would have been much harder, if not impossible. They are our brothers and sister in Christ and we work as a team.
Lunda and Melita have provided us delicious meals each day so that our bodies were nourished every day for our work.

Katia, Ramsey, and the other security team have guarded us so that we could rest peacefully.
Day is breaking now on our last morning at the Alabama House. The roosters have been crowing for an hour. I can hear the first of the children outside talking and playing.... we'll be leaving for the Jacmel airstrip at 8:30 to take the small plane over the mountain to Port Au Prince.

Yesterday, Mike, Eddie, and Jason went with us to VBS. They enjoyed sharing their love with the people who came. The people were more willing to engage in the Bible story discussions yesterday sharing their stories about times in their lives that they had been afraid as Peter was afraid when he took his eyes off Jesus when walking to him on the water.

ESL was cancelled yesterday afternoon as Pastor Mark's church was preparing for a funeral. Dena, Kim, and Linda did pedicures for the last of the nannies. Katia did pedicures for our ladies. I have a great picture of Dena trying to bear the scrubbing of her feet!

John H came in during the afternoon. He's a hoot. He'll be overseeing the Alabama House while Allison and Scott go home for a short weeklong break.

We had a good discussion after our devotion last night as we talked about how we could try to keep the enthusiasm and energy for missions going as we go back to our daily lives. Local mission activities seemed to be the best way suggested. John shared some ideas for future Haiti trips such as bringing three additional people and splitting into two teams of six.

We packed and went to bed. Anna has come down with something and had a fever of 102 last night. Thankfully, it's down to 99 this morning.

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